Lumient provides bespoke software development services to businesses of all sizes. We are based in the Adelaide CDB but our products are used across australia and around the world. Despite our wealth of expertise across technology sectors, Lumient's foremost focus is your business. We approach every engagement from your perspective. Lumient's goal is to develop and deliver technical solutions that provide maximum business benefit to our clients. View More »
Our people strive to add value, reduce costs and leverage IT services to achieve your business objectives. Our experts provide highly customised services from the perspective of your businesses to ensure that you afford best fit up front. In short, we'll get your IT systems and strategies in line with your business objectives.
We believe that understanding our customer's needs is paramount. We take customer service seriously, and our inclusive business structure ensures that everyone from project management to software developers know who you are, and understand your needs.
We believe that your business is different. Your business is not a clone of your competitors, so why buy software that treats you as such? Why restrict yourself to the vanilla solution offered to the masses? In our experience, customised software development results in reduced maintenance costs and increased business benefits. This translates into a lower Total Cost of Ownership when compared with off the shelf software. Furthermore, ownership of the code base eliminates the risk of being locked into one vendor for customisation, upgrade paths, and licencing fees.
We offer a confidential and obligation free consultation, where our business specialists can get you on the path to solving your current challenges. We maybe even provide you with options and further benefits you had not considered. contact us »
What We Do

Applications available anywhere, anytime, from any web connected device. More »